Materials Needed to Make Beaded Diamond Embroidery

August 30, 2017

Materials Needed to Make Beaded Diamond Embroidery

Making diamond embroidery with bead grated into the design is not so different to accomplish provided you have the necessary materials.

So, what are those things beaded diamond embroidery? - Find them in the list below:

Bead Embroidery Foundation

The very thing you need to sort out is the fabric unto which the beads would be stitched- you can select from a variety of materials that include Ultra suede bead embroidery, index cards, fabric interfacing and many more.

Bead Embroidery Backing

The bead embroidery backing is what makes the dress with the design to be comfortable to wear. Furthermore, the backings cover the beaded work, and also ensure that the lining is properly set. Natural leather and sensuede are some of the materials often used.

Beading Thread

Beading Thread is needed for stitching the beads unto the foundation. The threads are available in different colors and varying degree of thickness. The most commonly used types are the nylon thread and fishing line variations.

Beading Needles

Beading Needles are prime tools for any beadwork. They are of different sizes, and it is very important to use the kind that would be appropriate for the beads you are working with. Milliners’ needles are about the most commonly used.


Finally, you will certainly need beads- without them, there can be no beaded diamond embroidery in the first place. There are a whole lot of them, you can pick from.